4 things for self employed people to do to avoid the dreaded burnout

Keeping energy bright and avoiding burnout is a balancing act and one of the biggest challenges for self employed folks who are their actual business.

My top 4 rules (theres loads of others I share in my mentoring sessions, but these are a great starting point)

1. Only saying yes to things that really align with your values and work. Feel when things are not a “full body yes” and are not for you, and over time you will learn (its a practice!) to allow them to pass you by. Somebody else will be a better fit.

2. Create when in momentum, not when you “think” I should be working. The working week is not a fit for most humans and their rhythms, but is in fact from the industrial revolution - fuck the systems and work in your own way when you can. Whether thats 5am inbox clearing or creating just when you feel the flood of the flow. What is the point in self employment if you are forcing yourself to fit into somebody elses idea of productivity?

3. Schedule days off in the diary. A non- negotiable. Just tell folk you aren’t available - you dont need to even explain. You are the boss.

4. Practice rest. Like, duh. Obviously I am gonna say that.

Our work needs to be sustainable not a cycle of work and collapse. Burnout is a bitch. (I know because I have been there. Really been there.)


What I find in rest


Studio ownership - 4 years deep