Seeing signs. My journey.

Mercury has just gone retrograde and in true retrograde fashion I am looking back, reminiscing.  

Sometimes we see the signs from the universe, sometimes we ignore so many we end up crashing into them. It took a whole load of not very subtle signs to get me to change up my world.  I used to wear a suit to work, I hated that corporate vibe that was a huge part of pharmaceuticals and biotech.  I used to hate my job, I wasn’t proud of much that I did even though I was (blowing my own trumpet here) really quite good at it - I was reminded of this when I found my CV from back then when I was doing that “lockdown sort out” we all did.  I had a horrible boss (these are really common I have realised).  I blundered into a new company to a lovely boss thinking I would feel different.  I didn’t.  I carried on anyway.  

Then out of the blue I was made redundant (despite them saying the week before there would be no redundancies. In the most elegantly beautiful synchronicity I handed my nice car and computer in at the office on the Friday and I received my 500hr teacher training certificate on the Sunday (this was in December 2016)   Yes universe, I am listening………

How many signs did I need?  Trust your gut people.  Listen to what is right for you.  Don’t drown it out with thought.

Since I allowed myself to disentangle from the corporate chains and found my self in the world of self employment I have:

Guided private one to one yoga

Guided yoga in other peoples yoga studios

Managed other studios

Consulted on studios pre opening

Guided yoga on an independent basis

Coached people on their own wellbeing 

Coached people in their wellness business

Worked with a young peoples charity 

Hosted sessions at festivals

Booked wellbeing areas at music festivals

Managed wellbeing areas at festivals

Curated the programme for wellbeing festivals

Taught meditation and mindfulness in various large companies

Taught meditation and mindfulness in a university

Held regular sell out workshops

Written a four part series for a print magazine

Hosted sold out retreats both in the UK and internationally

Opened my own creative wellness studio 

Been asked to be a Lululemon ambassador.

OOOOOOF.  It has been a busy few years.

How did I do this?

A few techniques/ideas/pieces of advice to go by: 

First thing to note is that I work really bloody hard.  Yeah I have done a lot of stuff, but also I have used a whole lot of energy in doing it.  Some parts/events/roles landed really bloody easily though and I put that down to being aligned with what I want to do. To being open to life.

Meditate - give your self time and space every day to allow that channel of good stuff - ideas and energy to begin to flow into you.

Keep educating yourself on your subject.  Read, practice.  Do the thing you are advocating.  It makes you authentic. If you don’t practice yin yoga then do not teach it.  If you don’t meditate then don’t teach it. Share your thing. What lights you up?  It is that passion that will attract folk. Be creative with your approach to something - share your way, don’t be a cookie cutter.  People buy realness and experience.  Immerse yourself in a training at least once a year to revitalise your inspiration. Ask your teachers who they learn from - use this information to dive deeper.

Decide what you want and go for it. Give yourself a set time for research.  Then get going.  Do the training you need.  You can want to do many things, but maybe just concentrate on between one and three at a time.  Break the goals down into smaller steps.  It is fine to do one thing and then another.  You may find some things feed your soul, and others ravage your energy.  You can’t know until you’ve done them.  You’ll get to know your craft and it will all happen naturally. Mistakes are cool - learning what we don’t want is just as important as knowing what we do want to do.

Network in real life and on social media.  Get to know other people and let them get to know you. Collaborate with people and elevate one another.  Community is everything.  Who do you align with?

Rest and rest well.  So simple.  Turn off the devices and take actual rest. This is an essential to sustain yourself and your creativity.

Use a mentor/coach.  This was the biggest learning I took from my time in big business - my coaches there inspired me and motivated me beyond belief. I had to keep developing, to keep checking in, to keep answering the questions.  Get yourself a coach/mentor that you get on with, that inspires you, that asks you the right questions to get you taking those first steps to what you want to do.

If you are after a no-nonsense mentor I am that woman.  You get access to all of my experience, my learnings as a self starter in wellness to help you get crystal clear on what you need to do to make those dreams became reality.

I offer a 6 month package, one session a month (and homework that gets you real tangible results) so you can find your feet on your own path.  And go and do YOUR  authentic thing, so when you look back like I just did you will see that that email changed your life.  

(This is a sign.)
