Full of what now? Where do we "go" when we practice?

Where do “we go” in practice?

What states of awareness can we be in?

Mindfulness - aware of where your thoughts are. For me this is I am aware mentally that I am here physically, I am thinking about how to move my foot to the front of the mat.

Bodyfullness - aware of the sensation of the body.  Again for me this is I feel a wave move through my abdomen

Embodied - aware of the consciousness of the body, to bathe in its essence, when I am here this body is moving in the way it wants, i have no idea where it is going, I merely allow and go with with it.

None of these are better or worse than any of the other states.  They are just different.

And it would definitely be difficult to live your entire life embodied - imagine trying to cross a busy road if you were “in the soup” of embodiment. Similarly when we spend so much time up in our heads in our thoughts and we tire there can be a new energy found within our other parts. 

The portals of connection - the mind, the senses, the cells offer routes “in”

These are not doings but beings.  

Maybe remembering?

Go now and explore.

Go and be x


Magick and mindfulness podcast


what I have learned in 2 years of running a studio